And as promised... I am back again. Armed with two little boards (well not that little) and two poles I was getting down to business again. Well, at least this time I got a bit further using the longer green slope :-)
I also met some friends from my beginner ski class last week. As these guys were my age they had made similar progress as I did. Really depressing was to see their kids which went downhill as there was no tomorrow. Well, maybe that's the secret... ignore all thoughts and fears and go downhill as there is no tomorrow. Next time, next time will be no tomorrow ;-)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Further downhill
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cosmic Gate
Interesting enough it seems like I am seeing more German (and European) top DJs here then back home. This time around it was Cosmic Gates turn playing my favorite nightclub here in Denver, The Church. And let me put it this way... they rocked this place.
I am still surprised how well European Trance music is accepted over here. But even though lots of people show up for acts like that it is still a quite familiar atmosphere. So I was able to meet both DJ from Cosmic Gate up close which wouldn't be possible even in my little hometown nightclub. Awesome ;-)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Two small boards, the piste and Ekki
Some may say a lethal combination but this post is proof that I survived to tell the story. Other bystanders where not that lucky ;-)
Well, I am just joking of course. This time around I had a ski lesson and I couldn't do as I please. Which was much better for my health and the health of the previously mentioned bystanders ;-)After six nerve-wracking hours (not so much for me but for my ski instructor) I finally got my head around it... you can call me 'Snow Plow Ekki' from now on. And bad news for those bystanders... I'll be back!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Winter Wonderland Rockies
Well, in one of my last posts I was stretching this term already but see for yourself... Welcome to the Winter Wonderland Rockies!
The last few weeks it was snowing up in the mountains quite a bit where we down in Denver just saw some outbursts which lasted maybe for two or three days.But a few thousand foot of height make a hell of a difference. Eldora which is the closest ski resort has 49 inches of snow and that is on top and not beside each other! And guess what I am doing tomorrow... oh yea piste here I come ;-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A evening with friends
Just a few days back from Germany we had our long planned German/American evening at my place. For food we got Raclet which seems to be not that common over here. On the picture you see all the different stuff we made... well when I say 'we' I mean that I was providing the plates and cut something in pieces ;-) You also see us: Christine, myself, Annika and Pete doing some German small talk.
After the food we were playing my favorit board game and there was a big surprise waiting for me... Cluedo is called Clue over here! Is Monopoly then called Mono? And what is Chess called? I'll investigate that for you ;-)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Fun with a van
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Greetings from home
Already a week back in Colorado I got this very nice postcard in my mailbox. Even though it looks like Gerald and I were high in the mountains skiing while running into an elk (what a fantastic effect!!!) it was taken in our favorite nightclub A7 back home.
What a brilliant souvenir from a great night-out. I just love it how Gerald and the elk have the same impression in their face ;-)
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Back in Colorado
But before I left for the United States I had to vote for our governor of the German federal state of Hessen. As the election is in the end of this month I was able to do a postal vote before anybody else.
It is great to vote for somebody knowing that you are not affected by who ever you choose ;-)Well, that was really the last thing I did back in Germany and a few hours later I was already in a plane heading back to Colorado. Even after having a pleasant flight it is great to finally get there especially if the guy sitting beside you has strong winds for 10 hours constantly.
But the view over the winter wonderland Colorado was more then worth it.
It is great to be back not only because of all the snow out there. I hope to see all of you for a pint downtown Denver soon!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year
My fantastic journey to Good Old Germany is coming to an end! Unbelievable how time is flying by when you enjoy yourself. The last part of my trip brought me to Hamburg (alright, alright... no Hamburger jokes at this point please) to see the rest of my family. Family visits seem to be the same all over the world in my experience... a good excuse to have lots of good food ;-)
But Hamburg has more to offer then friendly people and good food (you have to try the local specialty called Lapskaus). After 10 month living landlocked in Colorado it was great to see a bit of water with some ships floating on it... Hamburg is still one of the biggest and busiest harbors in Europe.
I hope you enjoyed the journey through the old world with me. This weekend I should be back in Denver and hope to see you all for a pint or two.
To everybody I missed while I was in Europe... I am very sorry! These four weeks were over far too soon. But I am looking forward to my next stay and let you know earlier this time!
I wish you a happy and peaceful 2008!