Colorado is a quite multicultural place. Maybe not as much as California where an Austrian can become the Governator... but even in the Rocky Mountains I found two German restaurants:
This is not the "Schwartzwaldklinik", it is more a restaurant with food from this area. I didn't try it yet but I will! Funny enough is this restaurant in a village called "Nederland"... sounds a bit like our neighbors in Europe, isn't it?
The "Westfalen Hof" would make more the food I would be used from home. I tried it today and I have to say... great! Thumb up! And it is even closer to Westminster!

As I said... Germans everywhere ;-)
After several requests about what I had in the restaurant:
Of course Bratwurst with Sauerkraut! And it was great!
Ach ja... die Betreiber des Westfalen Hofes sind Deutsche. Vor 8 Jahren sind sie von Dortmund hier her gezogen. Sie haben auch kein 3 jaehriges Kind, das deutsch spricht. Man fuehlte sich doch gleich wie Daheim ;-)
Liebe Gruesse, EKKI
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