Friday, April 20, 2007

The Sheriff

Another interesting thing in America is of course the police here. They really look like the police you know from TV series and movies. Not green-yellow (Germany) or white-black with neon-yellow wests (Ireland). And they don't have boring names like Polizei or Gardi over here... no... here they are called Sheriffs or Marshals, wear black uniforms and have a proper handguns.

All this makes it of course not easier to ask one of them for a picture. But I got lucky last weekend! I met a Sheriff at a night-out and my friends told me... if you not asking him now, you will never do. So I asked... and given that I was an German tourist he was very friendly and willing to take a picture with me. Thanks again! I hope he will be as friendly as this when we might meet again... pulling me over for speeding or things like that ;-)

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