Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ancient Indian Village

Who said that America has no historical places?! Sure enough... everything old build by white men is barely 200 years old but don't forget the Indian tribes who lived here well before a Spanish (or a Viking for that matter) had set his foot on this new continent.

This historical side is close to Colorado Springs in a little town called Manitou Springs (coincidence, I don't think so!) and is several hundred years old.

And your guide for today was "Indy" Ekki... bringing you exotic places to you screen. I have to go for a proper adventurer hat next time I guess ;-)


Anonymous said...

You look like such an American!!! You piece of shit :-)

Anonymous said...

You are not the first one who said that... hmmm... I think I have to do something there. Ohhh... Bastard! ;-)