Saturday, June 9, 2007

Among the rich and famous

If there is a place for the rich and famous ones in the States it has to be Miami Beach. Even parking is a privilege there. Exactly the right place for a young and successful engineer like me.

Now I could write some stories about the wild night-outs I had with some girls at the beach... but you wouldn't believe me anyway. Instead I will write something about the lifeguards and their funky bay-watch-like buoy... fancy ;-)

But it is not like I didn't meet any birds over there... quite the opposite. Here you see some of the most famous inhabitants of Miami beach. Pelicans!

And then I was shocked by an encounter of the third kind. One of the few nude beaches in the States is at Miami Beach as well. I liked the signs warning unknowing pedestrians like me of the dangers I might encounter ;-)

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