Friday, August 17, 2007

Rodeo time

When we Europeans think of America the very first thing which comes to our mind will be Cowboys and Rodeos. Well, the neighboring state Wyoming has both of them and even more. The Cheyenne Frontier Days are the biggest rodeo in the West and I was there to see some action!

What I didn't know was that a Rodeo has like the Olympics lots of different types of contests. The most well known ones are the 'riding on a wild horse' and 'riding on a wild bull' competitions. Everybody from the western states might excuse that I don't know the proper terms for that... for everybody else who might think that this is a bit boring...

The craziest competition of all is the so called 'bull wrestling' contest which is describing pretty well what is happening... one (very brave) Cowboy is jumping on a ragging bull, slams it to ground, turns it on its back and bonds all four legs together. It is really amazing to see people doing that in under 20 seconds! I have to say that this might be one of the last things I am trying in my life ;-)

In all this very typical American festival atmosphere I was able to spot something very familiar: German Bratwurst! A bit overpriced for my taste ($ 7!) but very nice. All German reader will understand my surprise when I read the name of this stand... it was from Hamburg or at least dedicated to the Hamburg way of cooking. Which is quite funny as all famous sausages are not coming from this area... you would expect fish dishes coming from there but well, I should stop complaining. I got a fantastic show and a good Bratwurst. Can it get any better... I don't think so :-)

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