Thursday, September 20, 2007

Second visitor

What a great weekend again! Not only Ireland won their match in the Rugby World Championship versus Georgia (thus our green outfits) but also I had my next visitor: Niamh called over from Ireland for a week in Colorado! After the rugby we also had to experience a truly American sport... baseball!

So we went to my new home team The Rockies who have a very nice stadium downtown Denver, Coors Field. They were playing the Florida Marlins for a place in the playoffs which sounded like a exciting match. As I know the rules and like to watch baseball from back in Germany (go Corbacher Colliders!) I expected a bit more then the 2-10 score for Florida.

On the other hand I was warned, everybody over here seems to think that the Rockies suck. But it was not that bad at all... we had a great time eating nachos, drinking beer and watching the match.

I was just a bit surprised by the Rockies mascot... is this a little dinosaur? What happen with these fellas again? Not that I want to draw some parallels here ;-)

Thanks Niamh for calling by and the great time we had watching the sports and climbing the mountains!

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