Monday, February 25, 2008

Goodbye San Diego!

All good holiday trips have to come to an end... else they wouldn't be called holiday trip but permanent moving I guess ;-) Before I left San Diego I had to see the old town too. This is a really nice touristy area where they did up the old buildings which were once San Diego. Interesting is the mixture between a typical Wild West town and a Mexican style village.

And of course the palm trees, which are really able to put you into holiday mood. Alongside with the sunshine and all that of course. Things like that doesn't make it easier to go back to the cold and snowy Colorado. Oh well... snow can be nice too... as long as it isn't on the road ;-)

But I had to do my last round on the beautiful south California beaches, watching the surfer dudes in the water and wondering how many white sharks are out there looking for a place for dinner. I'll be back though... I'll be back! And maybe it is me the next time you see on the surf board :-)

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