Monday, July 28, 2008


After seeing my friends at the class reunion in Roemershild, visiting my old university in Schmalkalden, meeting Birthe in Regensburg, my friends Andre and Hans-Peter in Munich, James and his family in Rothenburg, I had to see Torsten in Nuremberg too. Beside the new subway connection connecting Torstens flat with the ciy center (well... you still have to walk 20 meters or so which is around 65 feet) there was plenty more to see.

Like Rothenburg from the previous post this city has still its entire city walls which is very unlikely for a city with Nuernbergs size. But while Rothenburg is still the medieval style town Nuernberg has a mixture of modern buildings and transport systems which makes it a very interesting city to visit.

After doing the tourist thing in Nuernberg with Torsten where he showed me the old castles and cathedrals of the town (please note: all city wall towers in Nuernberg look alike! I had to learn this the 'hard' way) we packed our stuff and went together on the last part of my round trip through Germany... heading back to good old Waldeck, my home town to see my folks.

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