Monday, October 20, 2008

Drive-in flu shots

Well... last year I wrote about it here on my blog, this year I have photos to proof it: the drive-in flu shot clinic ;-)
Once again my health insurance promoted a massive vaccination event on several locations throughout Denver. Their goal is to pass their flu shots to as many members as possible in only two days. And what better way then using the McDonnald proven drive in method.

So basically you are driving with your car off the highway on the hospitals parking-lot where policemen are leading you to one of those vaccination stations.
There your first stop is the nurse who asks you about basic health issues and the second stop with a doctor gives you the actual flu shot through the open window. Even though it might sounds strange getting a flu shot in a car park... it is more then convenient. And 10 mins later I was on my way again... without leaving the car! Brilliant ;-)

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