Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dallas and JFK

The next stop on my grand Texas tour was Dallas. Two things come into my mind when I think of Dallas: first the well known soap opera about a bunch of rich Texan oil moguls and of course the infamous assassination of John F Kennedy. It is interesting to see how this tragedy is becoming a tourist attraction nowadays. Here you can see me spotting the snipers nest in the window of the bookstore on the 6th floor... unfortunately a few decades too late ;-)

But of course there are plenty of conspiracies around this single event in history and it is nice to see the place with your own eyes. Even after watching several documentaries in favor or opposing the blooming conspiracies, it is interesting to see how small the Dealey plaza really is. A second (or even third) sniper would have been very easy to spot with all the people filling up this place. But that is only my opinion and so I was wandering over the world famous Grassy Knoll a tourist myself .

And of course there is a very interesting museum about the evens of November 22nd 1963. It is located in the very same building and floor where Oswald had his 'alleged' snipers nest including a recreation of it.

And before you enter the museum you are passing this door with three pictograms on the bottom... attention, very bad joke... if they would have had the icon forbidding guns in that building already in the 60s... this would never have happened :-)

Alright... sorry. This place is definitely worth a visit regardless if you believe in conspiracies or not. And don't forget to visit the Reunion tower which was sadly closed for redecoration when I was there :-(


Donald Roberdeau said...
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Donald Roberdeau said...

Dealey Plaza Professionally Surveyed Map of 11-22-63 Victims, Witnesses, and Photographers Precise Locations, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Evidence, & Important Documented Information....

DISCOVERY: Very Close, Dealey Plaza Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS’s Zapruder Filmed 2nd Headsnap;
Ultrafast, West, and Directly Towards the “Grassy Knoll”....

President-elect KENNEDY “Men of Courage” speech (1-9-61) & Key Assassination Links for Your Considerations....