Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mickey Mouse Checks

One major difference in banking between the US and Europe is that over here they love their checks. Where ever I went in Europe you were able to transfer money easily from one bank account to another via internet. But even the 'online transfer' of money to my landlord over here would result into a printed check, automatically sent to my landlords bank via mail which is checked into his account then. And I thought the Irish banking system is funny ;-)

But the nice thing of checks is that you can pay nearly everywhere by writing one. That's the reason why there is a whole industry around the check business which is offering customized checks. So every second week we have another offer of customized checks in the mail, printed with your favorite star (crazy as Britney? Broke as Michael?)... and even Disney characters like Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck. And that brings me back to the major differences to Europe... nobody over there would take a Mickey Mouse check serious I think... but over here? No Problem :-)


Anonymous said...

It should be cheque! :-) Brian

Ekki said...

Funny enough we had a long discussion in our company as we have a technical term called 'flavor'. Or is it 'flavour'? Do the Brits understand what we are talking about?
Similar thing with 'checks' I guess... it is easier to spell then 'cheque' though... you have to admit that ;-)