Saturday, August 9, 2008

Birthday party with a whole pig

Obviously it was not the pigs birthday party I attended... that would have been its last birthday as well I guess. Actually I was invited to my flatemates dad's birthday party. And when Terry said that he would have a whole pig for his party I suspected that this is just one of those American saying, but I was wrong! He really roasted a whole pig for his birthday ;-)

And of course we had plenty of cake too. After all the cake, meat, beers and margaritas I don't need to eat anything for the next few weeks which is handy too :-)

Happy 60s birthday Terry and thanks for the fantastic party!


Anonymous said...

poor piggy.....

Ekki said...

No worries... it didn't feel a thing ;-)

Unknown said...

Yum! maybe I should do a pig roast for the wedding...?