Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The 4000th visitor

We hit the magic number for the 4000th visitor already at the end of last month but I finally got around to write a few lines about it: Thank you for your interest in my journey through Colorado, the US and all the rest! The last few month were quite exciting over here... great weather, lots of trips with vising friends and I learned to ride a motorcycle ;-) But it is even getting better!
With a visit to ancient Indian ruins at Mesa Verde in a few days, visiting Disneyland at the end of the month, the wedding of my buddy Justin in October and of course the whole election campaign with its ultimate climax at November 4th!

Oh man... can it get any better? I don't think so!

So stay tuned! I would be happy to see YOU on this page again. And always remember... stay off the ice ;-)


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