Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Sand Dunes

And the final destination of our trip was once again (like on my last trip down south) the Great Sand Dunes. This place is truly astonishing... a desert in the middle of the Rocky mountains, surrounded by 14k mountains, a prairie and a little river winding around it. Basically the steady wind of a few thousand years was pressing all the prairie sand in one corner of the Rockies which are now forming a little 'out-of-place' dessert.

But don't be fouled by the green vegetation around the Great Sand Dunes: it is still a dessert. So wandering through it is quite a challenge and after 1 1/2 hours we turned back to our car again. And after a nice dinner at an Himalayan restaurant nearby (really interesting how they got there in the first place) we were already on our way back to Denver... from a fantastic vacation!

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