Things are moving quickly these days. Even I was surprised by the development... it seems like the whole moving process is having a life on its own and is moving far beyond light speed. What are you saying now Einstein? ;-)
Anyhow... the remaining days between my goodbye party and the actual flight were filled with lots of activities. Like selling my car, packing stuff, sending packages to Germany, packing even more stuff, cleaning up the mess downstairs (sorry again for leaving still such a mess, Justin), getting a rental car, goodbye dinners with friends...Speaking about friends... thank you so much for calling over to the different events! I really miss you guys and as I said a couple of times before... a place is special because of its people. You can find nice scenery nearly everywhere around the globe or a nice city to live in... but good friendly people like here in Colorado are hard to find. And to all my friends I didn't see at my last days in Colorado... sorry for my restricted schedule! But it wasn't my last time over there, promise!
Well... back to my last days in Colorado. They passed by in an instance. And suddenly it was Wednesday morning and I had to catch the plane at 6 pm. So I was sending my last packages back to Europe, had lunch with Justin and Torsten (of course Mexican which you can't find that easily over there), send some more packages to Europe (the people in the post office knew me by name in this stage), nearly left my camera in my old room (I really have a problem with cameras these days) and was already off to the airport...
Oh man! What a crazy day... returning the rental, carrying 4 heavy suitcases to the check-in, being scarred as hell when they were weighing them (but they let them through without any comments) and off I was! Flying back to Germany... back to my hometown which I thought would never happen to be honest. Oh well... life is full of surprises I guess, and Colorado was one of those surprises as well... a very pleasant one I have to say ;-)

1 comment:
Oh my! You are making me cry!
And I don't even live in Colorado anymore... you are much closer now than you were two months ago.
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